Introduction to the Dukan Diet

Obesity is a common problem these days, and nearly all of us are tired of those tough diet plans with boiled and grilled food. But there are a few diet programs that are easy and linked with our day to day lifestyle. One of them is the Dukan Diet which has versatile and different phases that are actually a low carb diet that has provided satisfactory outcomes to numerous dieters.
Dukan Diet Attack Phase
The first phase in which the dieter is allowed to eat lean proteins apart from one and half liters of water and one and half tables spoon of oat bran daily. The approved list of 72 rich protein foods such as fish, poultry, soy and eggs add diversification to the food and helps in weight reduction initially which motivates the person to continue further.
Dukan Diet Cruise Phase
This phase incorporates vegetable in the diet which includes 28 veggies along with similar quantity of water and oat bran as mentioned above. These vegetables are those which do not have starch such as spinach, lettuce, green beans but not those starchy corns, carrots, or peas.
Dukan Diet Consolidation Phase
The basic aim of this phase is to maintain that new weight and avoid chances of any regain. Foods that were not introduced in the earlier phase are then gradually allowed along with two celebration meals a week. One day is also dedicated to the protein diet.
Dukan Diet Stabilization Phase
This phase continues throughout your life. Once you are set with your diet pattern, you only need to maintain your same weight. The rules which should be followed are three tablespoons of oat bran, taking stairs instead of elevators, a 20 minute brisk walk daily and protein diet once a week. Unlike other hectic diet plans that need constant calorie counts and limited food portions, this diet plan allows you to eat as much as you want - provided to stick to the 100 prescribed foods and adopt a healthy lifestyle.
Diet Rules
- - You can eat as much as want, but only allowed food items.
- - You must drink 1.5 liter of water daily. Avoid dehydration as over working of kidney due to high protein diet may damage them.
- - You should include 1.5 tablespoons of oat bran per day in any form you like - as porridge, in yogurt, or any other form.
- - Indulge in a 20 minute walk in your daily routine.
- - If satisfactory results are not seen during first five days proceed to cruise phase.
- - The regimen, if followed properly, has great results and ultimately is a healthy diet plan which avoids hi-carb foods.